I have made the decision that after this weekend (since I'm grading final essays right now) that I will spend at least 30 minutes stitching or doing something that I want to do every night after the girls go to bed. To get me back into "stitching mode" I uploaded a picture of my current favorite WIP, Desiderata Sampler. This picture was taken last September. There's a full-size picture of it in my webshots album.
I love(d) stitching this piece! In addition to having lots of different types of stitches, it includes silk thread, which those of you who know me know that I have an obsession with crunching silk. It's a very relaxing piece to stitch, and it actually keeps my attention for longer than 2 days.
2008 passed by so quickly that my resolutions and goals I made at the beginning of the year were pretty much made in vain. I made the lists when I was unemployed, and had no clue that the year would end the way it did.
So here are my resolutions, revamped for 2009 (which means they will probably be exactly the same!). If you feel you *must* know what my resolutions were in 2008, here you go.
Stitching Related
1. Finish Guardian, which is my longest running TW wip.
2. Finish Desiderata.
3. Finish my neice's birth sampler by her 2nd birthday in May.
4. Finish the Bride's Tree SAL.
5. Stitch 1 ornament a month.
6. Keep up with the SBQ.
7. Join the local EGA and go to the meetings/stitch ins. (This will probably have to wait until at least fall.)
Work/School Related
1. Teach two classes 4 times a year with UOP online.
2. Get the book I'm editing into production by May 31st.
3. Get my beading and calligraphy businesses up and going, on a minimal basis of course. My BIL finally finished my logo, but I have a few tweaks I want done on it.
4. Take two classes a semester toward certification.
1. Continue in my dance class. It's so much fun!
2. Go to the gym. I did sign up, but I don't have time to go. Wasting money!
3. Lose 20 pounds.
4. Pay off whatever bills I can.
5. Save at least $5000 by the end of the year.
6. Start a college savings fund for both girls and contribute to it often.
7. Have at least 2 Alyssa-only dates a month. I worked hard to keep this up last year, and even had "Mommy-Aislin" days. Even if I had to skip on something I was supposed to do, I made time for them. Granted, it wasn't as much as I would have liked, but it's better than nothing!
8. Go on a real vacation with the girls. Myrtle Beach here I come!
That's probably enough for the year. I will add or delete as needed...
...yep, probably delete.